BDS sabotages Palestinian children’s hopes for a better future.
How does BDS destroy Palestinian children's future?
The Palestinian Authority (PA) teaches hate and violence in Palestinian schools. In textbooks, Jews and Israel are often referred to as the “other”. The textbooks used by UNRWA in its schools in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip promote the goal of a violent struggle for the liberation of Palestine. A September review by a watchdog group of new educational materials found “a systematic insertion of violence, martyrdom and jihad across all grades and subjects.” This led to an unprecedented move in August, in which the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination criticized the Palestinian Authority over “the existence of hate speech in … school curricula and textbooks, which fuels hatred and may incite violence, particularly hate speech against Israelis, which at times also fuels antisemitism.”
Meet The Victims
Palestinian children are taught to demonize Jews and Israel.
The Palestinian Authority TV children's program The Best Home features a young girl reciting a poem that compares Jews to the devil. The poem, by an Egyptian writer, included the following words: "Our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail." This teaching reinforces an age old antisemitic stereotype that Jews have horns and a tail.
Source: Palestinian Media Watch
Palestinian children are taught to erase the Jewish connection to the land of Israel.
“Illumination: Al-Buraq Wall was thus named after the name of [the divine beast] Al-Buraq that carried the Messenger during the Nocturnal Journey and the Ascension to Heaven. AlBuraq Wall is part of the western wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Muslims alone have absolute right to it.”
Fifth Grade Palestinian Textbook
Palestinian children are taught to violently attack Jews and Israelis.
As demonstrated in this video, young children are encouraged to attack Israelis. This girl is taught to throw stones at Israelis and running after Israelis with knives. When asked, “What do you tell [Palestinian] youth in the West Bank?” The young girl responds, “Stab! Stab! Stab! Stab! Stab!”
Source: Palestinian Media Watch