BDS betrays the Palestinian people.

How does BDS hurt the Palestinian people?

Due to poor working conditions and low wages, Palestinians rely on Israel for jobs and economic support. As of April, some 130,000 Palestinians were estimated to be working in Israel. These workers typically earn between $70 and $100 per day working in Israel, compared to just $20-$30 with Palestinian employers. For this reason, Palestinians working inside Israel has become more normalized in recent years. Hundreds of organizations and groups in every field – economic, educational, industrial, commercial, agricultural – actively promoting peace by hiring Palestinians. The number of employment permits for Palestinians to work in Israel has risen 160 percent since 2012. When BDS campaigns target Israeli companies, they threaten these vital job opportunities that Palestinians rely on to make a living.

Meet The Victims


“The BDS movement has threatened my job security and livelihood. It damages the livelihoods of hundreds of SodaStream factory workers, who were laid off as SodaStream left it’s Mishor Adumim facility in the West Bank.”

Nabil Basherat, Palestinian Factory Manager


“I am against the BDS. What are they doing for us? They have a lot of money for themselves…we have not seen one penny. All that money that they have, they spend it on themselves. I do not understand how the entire world can donate aid money to the PA when its bureaucrats refuse to create jobs for their own people.”

Nadia Aloush, Palestinian Market Worker


“Palestinian scholars cooperating in joint academic and educational projects have encountered threats, intimidation, and outright violence at the hands of BDS and denormalization activists.”

Mohammed S. Dajani Daoudi, Palestinian University Professor